Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.
Should resistance training be targeted to a specific subgroup of patients with non-small cell lung cancer? - Reply.
Burtin C, Franssen FME, Spruit MA.
Physical activity patterns and clusters in 1001 patients with COPD.
Mesquita R, Spina G, Vaes AW,Groenen MT, Wouters EF, Spruit MA en collega's
Reliability, construct validity and determinants of 6-minute walk test performance in patients with chronic heart failure
Uszko-Lencer NHMK, Mesquita R, Janssen E, Werter C, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Pitta F, Wouters EFM, Spruit MA
Lower-limb muscle function is a determinant of exercise tolerance after lung resection surgery in patients with lung cancer
Burtin C, Franssen FME, Vanfleteren LEGW, Groenen MTJ, Wouters EFM, Spruit MA.
Analysis of nocturnal actigraphic sleep measures in patients with COPD and their association with daytime physical activity
Spina G, Spruit MA, Alison J, Benzo RP, Calverley PMA, Clarenbach CF, Costello RW, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Dürr S, Garcia-Aymerich J, van Gestel AJR, Gramm M, Hernandes NA, Hill K, Hopkinson NS, Jarreta D, Kohler M, Kirsten AM, Leuppi JD, Magnussen H, Maltais F, Man WD, McKeough ZJ, Mesquita R, Miedinger D, Pitta F, Singh SJ, Smeenk FWJM, Tal-Singer R, Vagaggini B, Waschki B, Watz H, Wouters EFM, Zogg S, den Brinker AC
How to determine an impaired health status in COPD: Results from a population-based study
Smid DE, Spruit MA, Deeg DJH, Huisman M, Poppelaars J, M Wouters EF, Franssen FME
Exercise Prescription in Everyday Practice and Rehabilitative Training (EXPERT) tool: A digital training and decision support system for optimized exercise prescription in cardiovascular disease
Hansen D, Dendale P, Coninx K, Vanhees L, Piepoli MF, Niebauer J, Cornelissen V, Pedretti R, Geurts E, Ruiz GR, Corrà U, Schmid JP, Greco E, Davos CH, Edelmann F, Abreu A, Rauch B, Ambrosetti M, Braga SS, Barna O, Beckers P, Bussotti M, Fagard R, Faggiano P, Garcia-Porrero E, Kouidi E, Lamotte M, Neunhäuserer D, Reibis R, Spruit MA, Stettler C, Takken T, Tonoli C, Vigorito C, Völler H, Doherty P.
Patient versus proxy-reported problematic activities of daily life in patients with COPD
Nakken N, Janssen DJ, van den Bogaart EH, van Vliet M, de Vries GJ, Bootsma GP, Gronenschild MH, Delbressine JM, Muris JW, Wouters EF, Spruit MA
Knowledge gaps in patients with COPD and their proxies
Nakken N, Janssen DJA, van den Bogaart EHA, Muris JWM, Vercoulen JH, Custers FL, Bootsma GP, Gronenschild MHM, Wouters EFM, Spruit MA
Predicting hospitalization and mortality in patients with heart failure: The BARDICHE-inde
Uszko-Lencer NHMK, Frankenstein L, Spruit MA, Maeder MT, Gutmann M, Muzzarelli S, Osswald S, Pfisterer ME, Zugck C, Brunner-La Rocca HP