
Binnen Ciro doen wetenschappers onderzoek voor de beste behandelingen voor onze patiënten. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en vakbladen voor professionals.

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in COPD patients and its consequences

Breyer MK, Spruit MA, Hanson CK, Franssen FM, Vanfleteren LE, Groenen MT, Bruijnzeel PL, Wouters EF, Rutten EP

Maintenance of a physically active lifestyle after pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: a qualitative study toward motivational factors

Stewart KF, Meis JJ, Van de Bool C, Janssen DJ, Kremers SP, Schols AM

Efficacy of lower-limb muscle training modalities in severely dyspnoeic individuals with COPD and quadriceps muscle weakness: response from the authors

Sillen MJ, Franssen FM, Delbressine JM, Vaes AW, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

GI Symptoms in patients with COPD

Rutten EP, Spruit MA, Franssen FM, Buurman WA, Wouters EF, Lenaerts K

Characteristics and determinants of endurance cycle ergometry and six-minute walk distance in patients with COPD

Andrianopoulos V, Wagers SS, Groenen MT, Vanfleteren LE, Franssen FM, Smeenk FW, Vogiatzis I, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

Palliative care and pulmonary rehabilitation

Janssen DJ, McCormick JR

An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: update on limb muscle dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Maltais F, Decramer M, Casaburi R, Barreiro E, Burelle Y, Debigaré R, Dekhuijzen PN, Franssen F, Gayan-Ramirez G, Gea J, Gosker HR, Gosselink R, Hayot M, Hussain SN, Janssens W, Polkey MI, Roca J, Saey D, Schols AM, Spruit MA,Steiner M, Taivassalo T, Troosters T, Vogiatzis I, Wagner PD

A possible link between increased metabolic activity of fat tissue and aortic wall inflammation in subjects with COPD. A retrospective 18F-FDG-PET/CT pilot study

Vanfleteren LE, Van Meerendonk AM, Franssen FM, Wouters EF, Mottaghy FM, Van Kroonenburgh MJ, Bucerius J

New reference values for body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis in the general population: results from the UK Biobank

Franssen FM, Rutten EP, Groenen MT, Vanfleteren LE, Wouters EF, Spruit MA

Cognitive-pulmonary disease

Cleutjens FA, Janssen DJ, Ponds RW, Dijkstra JB, Wouters EF
